Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ridiculous Religious Relativist

Last week, I received an SMS from a trusted source who told me a certain Catholic priest from a certain order made the following statement at an inter-religious university students conference:

"Our [Catholic] faith is unique but NOT superior to other religions"

Personally, I find his statement very condescending towards people of other faith groups. Did it ever occur to this particular priest that there are plenty of knowledgeable and well-read individuals from various religions, who are very well aware of the Roman Catholic Church's implicit claim of Her superiority over ALL religions? Take the following statement for example:

"... Christ's Catholic Church alone, ... is the universal help toward salvation, that the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained"
- Second Vatican Council,
Decree on Ecumenism

Besides the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) further confirms Her claim by stating that the "ultimate truth of God's Revelation" (2071) is the Word of God (i.e. Sacred Scripture AND Sacred Tradition; which by the way can only be found in the Catholic Church which Christ Himself established) And if that is not enough, the Catholic Church also claims to have God leading her toward the fullness of truth (CCC 2625).

So tell me what or rather who can top the superiority of God's revelation?


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P/S: What do you call "a person who holds controversial opinions, especially one who publicly dissents from the officially accepted dogma of the Roman Catholic Church"? Click here.


Unknown said...

Maybe the guy was just afriad of offending people, especially since the world we live in is so concerned with "political correctness". Even so, maybe he should've just said nothing at all rather than say that.

David Tay said...

darn, maybe the guy had too much credit on his phone. I agree, being Catholic is the fullest way to salvation.