Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Homecoming

Coming home for Christmas has been what I have been doing since I started college. And this year is no different. I was home for Christmas, except that the journey back was... - well, read on.

As the same with last year, my aunt had planned that we go home together for Christmas. But the difference was, this year "we" includes me, my aunt and my aunt's boss; Mr. AB (who was hitching a ride from us to Malacca, which is on the way to Johor) Which was fine with me.

- Fast forward to the journey back home -

There we were in my aunt's sporty 3-door yellow Vitara. She in the driver's seat, Mr. AB in the passenger's seat and me at the back, accompanying all the luggage and Christmas presents; there was barely enough room for my hands and legs. Anyway, by the time we reached the PLUS highway, I was already dozing off with my copy of Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife opened on my lap, while my aunt and her boss yakked away, until I heard...

Mr. AB: J sent me an email with the header saying; "Good morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!". I was like what?! "Shit, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!" (laughs)
Aunt: (nervous laugh; while peering at me through the rear mirror looking at my reaction)

From the tone of Mr. AB's voice, I deduced that he was not too fond of J. But mocking Jesus was way too much. That was enough to wake me from slumber (and of course, with the adrenaline flowing in my blood) I glared at my aunt's reflection, in the rear mirror looking back at me to show that I was angry and frustrated. And I would so like to give him a piece of my mind but at the same time, I would not want to put my aunt in a spot. Honestly, I was trying real hard controlling my rage (those who know me will know how hard that is)

I was so frustrated that I begun to pray silently and fervently for Mr. AB, directing my hand at his head. I also prayed that God will teach me how to respond. I prayed for at least an hour or so, while the yakking continued (talking about having quiet time!) And praise God! The Lord inspired me in what I should say and I was just waiting for the timing to be perfect.


Finally, we arrived in Malacca at my aunt's boss' doorstep. As he was getting down the jeep...

Mr. AB: I am sorry you had to sit at the back... By the way, thank you for letting me have the passenger's seat.
Me: You're welcome. [getting off the jeep also, stretching legs]
Mr. AB: [polite grin] [beginning to turn his back and move towards the frontgate]
Me: Mr. AB. [nonchalant look]
Mr. AB: [turning 'round] Yeah?
Me: [forced a smile, extends hand for a handshake] [grab hand] I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

[The expression on Mr. AB's face was priceless.]

Although it was not easy greeting him especially after what he said about my Lord & Saviour, I was glad I did. And it was through God's grace I was able to do so. As the Bible says...

"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. ...If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. "
-Romans 12:14, 20, 21-

~ Blessed Christmas! ~

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