Monday, February 28, 2005

Hypocrite for Christ

The word "hypocrite" was derived from the Greek language and it literally means "actor". It seems that the word "hypocrite" has always been attributed in a negative sense. The Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary defines it as "one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not". But isn't being a Christian meant that you have to be a hypocrite as well? Yikes. OK before you hit the "Say Something!" link, I do mean this in a positive manner!

As Christians we are called to be like Christ, which means to be more like Him and less like ourselves. But this change does not happen overnight and it takes time. So what do we do between current state and change? Simple: we put on a mask and pretend we are already like Jesus!

I remember my mum used to tell me to pinch the tip of my nose to make it look "sharper". But I would have to do it long-term for my nose to take shape (fyi: i still have my jacky-chan-nose). It is the same with the Jesus-mask. It doesn't matter if we are all gooey, mushed-up and horrid behind it. As long as we are willing to bear with it, we will eventually conform to the shape of the mask and be more like Jesus.

In many ways by doing this we are being a hypocrite. But what makes the whole lot of difference is that we are striving as well as aspiring to be like Jesus; and not just merely pretending and forgetting about it when no one's looking. So for those of you who are striving for Christ-likeness, keep it up! And for those of you who are unsure about whether being Christ-like is no different from being a typical hypocrite, I would say pray about it and let God show you there is nothing wrong to be a hypocrite for Christ. Amen.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Christian Self-realization

Mahatma Gandhi was once asked this question: "What do you think is the one thing which hinders the spread of Christianity in India?" Without hesitation, he answered: "Christians."

Self-righteousness. I struggle with this a lot, especially when I am evangelising. Often without realising, I will throw "intellectual" questions as well as quoting from famous people to challenge the other person's beliefs. I thought that by throwing them compelling questions & quotes was the only effective method of evangelism. Honestly, I can tell you that I was more concerned for the person's soul than for the person as a whole. Little did I know, I was losing the very person I was trying to reach out to and I come across as a person who likes to make people feel small.

I came to the realization when my aunt whom I was evangelising to told me one day: "I don't think you are there yet." (i.e. found God) Initially I was a little offended by that seemingly judgmental comment, but as I reflected further I found that she was right: I was not being Christ-like.

I know that God is still not done with me (i.e. I am a "work" in progress) and I pray that as I am continually being molded by Him, God will help the people whom I come in contact with be patient with me, as well as to other Christians who are also continually being molded by God.

But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?
And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them there is a way?
There is a way
Jesus is the way

(c) Casting Crowns - Casting Crowns (2003)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Lunar New Year Love-Hate Relationship

When I was in primary school, I had a love-hate relationship with the Lunar New Year. I loved it because it is THE time of the year where I had the opportunity to stock-up money in bulk and of course, the opportunity to stock myself up in bulk. ;) I hated the Lunar New Year as much as I loved it, because during the period of 15 days I had to observe various superstitions and taboos.

Among the superstitions/taboos I was told...

  • Do not wash your hair lest your luck gets washed away
  • Do not sweep lest you sweep away all your luck
  • Pulling a long face, risk a bleak year ahead
  • Do not say negative things or negative "sounding" words, else it will come true! (e.g. "book" in Mandarin is pronounced as "shu". The word "lose" shares the same pronounciation, thus the "negativeness" of the word)
Honestly, I hated the Lunar New Year because I was afraid of it. I was afraid that my "inauspicious" action(s) will result in my own downfall or worse: the downfall of my family members. So during the Lunar New Year, I will be extra-careful with the words I use or the actions I take. And it was 15-days-of-stress and I felt trapped. I was in bondage.

As far as I could remember, this bondage lasted until my Confirmation year (which I had my first memorable encounter with God). In that year alone, I realised that even if I broke a mirror, crossed the path of a black cat or was born on Friday the 13th; my life still goes on unaffected because I chose not to be bound by these superstitions/taboos of the world.

In short, I chose Christ.

Honestly, now that I have done away with all these taboos and superstitions; I find celebrating the Lunar New Year more... - enjoyable. I spend less time worrying and more time basking in the pleasure and company of my family. :)

Have a Blessed & Joyous Lunar New Year!