Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Arrogance of Absolute Truth (?)

Recently I have been told that my stance on absolute truth, that is my belief that...
  1. If anyone (Christian and non-Christian) goes to heaven, it is only because of Jesus Christ (refer to HEAVEN: Christians Only?) and no one / nothing else.
  2. The Roman Catholic Church alone has the "the fullness of the means of salvation" (CCC 816) and the Holy Spirit "leads her toward the fullness of truth" (CCC 2625)
... sounds arrogant and self-righteous; and to be fair it does sound that way (to a certain extent) but believe me it wasn't meant to.

Perhaps it might be different if I were to say: "I believe gravity affects everyone regardless of one's belief in it" or that "Oxygen is essential to our survival." Why is that so? Simply because many of us have been taught these facts since our childhood and quite naturally, we take it as part of our reality although most of us have not scientifically tested these facts ourselves to verify whether or not it is true. We just assume that it is.

In the same way, as a Catholic Christian I have been taught to believe the listed statements as true. Frankly I am convinced of these truths to the point that I am eager to tell others about what I believe in and how they can share in the joy which I have found. But of course, I'll do it the St. Peter way, that is "with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15) :)

So please understand that my stance is not an invention of my own bigotry or arrogance, but a requirement for me as a Catholic Christian.


savante said...

Relax it happens. Theological arguments are gonna crop up once in a while.

For me, I think of religion as different telephone providers to God, each with a different line but still with the same Guy on the other side.

Same goes for heaven. Perhaps a large area with separate congregations but with allowances to visit. :P

Anonymous said...

agree with Savante...

it happens.

Cheer up pal :)

Celestine said...

savante, jl: thanks for the consolation, you guys are sweet. :) I wrote the post for the purpose of clarification lah... Don't worry, I am happy and cheery as I can be! :D

MrBunnyBan said...

Heh, true dat. But always be aware that your beliefs are your beliefs. Other people's beliefs can be just as real to them as yours are to you. While the two beliefs can't always find middle ground, respect for each other's standings can be found.

If you're already respectful of other people's beliefs in spite of clashes with your own, all you need to do is tell the person you're talking to. :)

Anonymous said...

well said. *claps*

Celestine said...

Ban: Will do :)

Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy said...

Cool beans babe. Nice to know. And its good that you have such rock in your belief.


Celestine said...

Nigel: "Cool beans"? LOL. :) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey :)

'The arrogance of absolute truth'? Keep it up! That's what I've always admire you about anyway. It's hard finding a Catholic Christian who does now days.

Celestine said...

Janice: Thank you. :)