Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Philosophical Chews: We are energy

For a long time we have known that matter consists of molecules, of which there are a tremendous number of types. But there are only a few more than one hundred types of atoms of which all the molecules are made. Before the twentieth century, no one believed that atoms could be split. Today we know that several particles make up the atom: the electron, the proton, and the neutron.

Physicists have discovered more than two hundred so-called elementary particles. Some believe that they are made up of still more elementary particles, called quarks. The point is that modern scientists are showing reality to be ever more complex.

But even more important, these elementary particles do not seem to be matter. They are more likely energy forces. True, matter may depend on interactions of elementary particles, but the particles themselves seem to be composed of energy, not matter. And what is energy? Nobody knows for sure. Whatever it is, it is in motion and exerts force, but it does not appear to be matter as matter is traditionally understood.

What is interesting here is energy and if the above text was true, we are all essentially composed of energy.

"Whoa." - yeah man. :)

We are taught in school that energy is uncreated and indestructible. Think about it, isn't that a little bit like God? - The Uncreated and Immortal One. Bear in mind, I am not equating God with energy nor I am saying that God is energy. What I am saying is this: could this underlying energy that scientists has discovered be God's mind? Afterall, the Bible did say that God created the world out of nothing; "God said 'Let there be light' and there was light". Could George Berkeley be right when he claimed that the external world is the work of the mind of God? Is this evidence that there is God?

Perhaps the reason why energy is uncreated and indestructible is simply because it is the mind of God at work.

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