Monday, April 17, 2006

Baptism on Easter Vigil

It was Easter Vigil last Saturday and I had the privilege to witness a baptism upclose. The girl in the picture on the left is Lily @ Patricia (her baptism name) and as I was on the steps of the altar positioning my camera for a good angle, I hear Father Larry proclaiming out-loud:

"Patricia, I now baptised you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."

Immediately, an image of a newborn baby was conjured in my mind. It warmed my heart and gave me a different kind of joy, the feeling was similar to the one I got when my mother gave birth to my baby sister. In any case, it was a joy which I will remember.

Happy Easter :)

3 comments: said...

Nice pic! I took 100+ pics but none upclose 'cos I am too timid to move from my seat! Therefore, the photos are mostly backs of people blocking my view.

Celestine said...

Hehe. Thanks! :)

Quite the opposite, I was moving from pew to pew trying to get the best angle. It felt kinda weird at first but I soon forgot about it, and was snapping away. :D

Anonymous said...

Nice Baptism name she has. =P

Watching the baptism brought tears to my eyes, it was just so wonderful to see lives being re born.