Sunday, December 17, 2006

Death of a Sacristan

Our parish sacristan, Uncle Desmond passed away two days ago. It is somehow weird for me to accept the fact that this person whom I saw alive one week ago was dead one week later. The discontinuity of life and death was so... abrupt, that I needed some time to digest the change. I guess funerals serve more purpose for the living than for the dead; it helps those who mourn to move from denial to acceptance - to have the firsthand knowledge that this person whom they know is truly and utterly dead.

Speaking of death, no one dies without God's consent - after all He is the one who gives life and takes it away. However God does not kill, He just chooses not to intervene for a greater good even though it might seem like a bad idea at that point of time. After all, his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9) It's even a bonus if you love God, for all things work for good for those who love God (Romans 8:28).

So love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength (Mark 12:29), and be assured that all things work for good.


Anonymous said...

You know..when i was reading this, i was like "WHAT?" during my last mass in PJ, i saw his closing the door, and as healthy as usual. i really don't belive it that he's... gone. i read somewhere that, our living on this earth, is only temporary, and the "real life" begins in heaven. so i think he's prepared for his eternal life.

Celestine said...

jerine: yeap, life here is temporary - funny thing is we assume we are gonna live forever. :)