Monday, January 08, 2007

What is ours?

Many times when we lose something or someone we have the tendency to blame God and ask "Why?" - as if He owes us an explanation of some sort. Thus we fail to realize that the good things which we lost never really belonged to us in the first place. The truth is the whole world and what's in it belongs to Him (Psalm 50:12)

Job showed a profound understanding of this truth in the midst of his suffering with the following statement: "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord!" (Job 1:21) The story of Job illustrates that if God allows suffering on a blameless man like Job, what less we who so often transgress against the Lord can expect? Of course there are occasions that God intervenes to alleviate suffering, which we call miracles. But when He does not, that is life, where pain and suffering is part and parcel of.

As I am writing this I am burdened with sore throat + cough and various worries; one of which was as a result of (being "forced to") taking up five "heavy-weight" subjects (Principles of Sociology, History of Western Civilization I, World Religions, Physics and Cognitive & Biological Psychology) this semester - God help me cope!

Come to think about it, the challenges that I am facing right now can be an opportunity for me to see the hand of God working in my life, He did say: "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness" (2 Corinthians 12:9) How can I say that my achievements are from God when I am all self-sufficient? It is when I finally pulled through the seemingly impossible that I am able to confidently acknowledge that it was God who had done it for me. And once again I am humbled by the realization that EVERYTHING that I have ever achieved and owned does not belong to me but to God alone.


adriene said...

hang in there. hope that u get well soon celestine.


Anonymous said...

'being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;' Phil 1:6

if i am Job, i would have failed miserably ;) get well soon pal. God bless you

Anonymous said...

that's lovely celestine..

such wisdom God has given you :) i'm glad. I wish you all the best in your subjects and I know you can do it because His grace is always sufficient for us.

I pray you'll get well soon. take care.


Celestine said...

adriene, JL, janice: thanks, am feeling better already :)

savante said...

How did you suddenly fall sick? Poor guy! Pergi doktor ambik ubat!

Celestine said...

savante: must be the stress of the new semester. update: instead of flu, I have dry cough AND sore throat. i'm relying on Redoxon and my good ol' immune system to fight the bugs. ;)

MrBunnyBan said...

(thought I already commented...)

Get well soon, Celest!