Thursday, March 02, 2006

Event: Bio-Ethics Talk

  1. you have not planned anything tomorrow [Friday, 3rd March 2006]
  2. you are free between 8pm to 10pm
  3. you don't mind traveling to Damansara Jaya, Petaling Jaya
  4. issues like abortion, euthanasia and cloning interests you

Do come for a bioethics talk by Dr. Ignaccio Segarra, a pharmacologist from Spain, who has done post-doctoral work in the US and currently resides in Singapore.

According to a friend of mine,
"...his presentation will be presented from the point of view of "Natural Law" (natural law ethical theory states that the moral standards that govern human behavior are, in some sense, objectively derived from the nature of human beings), it is suitable for you to bring any non-Christian friend of yours. He concludes with the Catholic / Christian moral position without resorting to simply throwing Bible verses but by resorting to your reason."
I don't know about you but that sounds pretty interesting to me. It has been a long time since I had any serious intellectual stimulation. This might be it. ;)

Anyway, if you are interested do drop me an email at for the further details of the location. By the way, the talk is FREE OF CHARGE. :)

p/s: yea, I know this post is last minute... but it's better late than never! hehe.

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